Car accidents can be traumatic events that leave victims physically and emotionally shaken. In the aftermath of a collision, it's not uncommon to wonder whether you need legal assistance. If you're asking yourself, "Do I need a car accident attorney?" you're not alone.

At Sandel Law Firm, we understand the complexities of car accident cases and the importance of seeking professional advice when necessary. Other law firms can say that they understand how insurance companies operate, but few can say that they have attorneys who have worked inside an insurance company.

  1. The Extent of Injuries and Damages

    One of the primary considerations for hiring a car accident lawyer is the severity of injuries and damages sustained in the accident. If you or your passengers have suffered significant injuries requiring medical treatment or if your vehicle has been extensively damaged, it's essential to consult with an attorney. A skilled car accident lawyer can help you navigate the legal process to ensure you receive fair compensation for medical expenses, property damage, and other losses.

  2. Fault and Liability Disputes

    Determining fault and liability in a car accident can be complicated, especially when multiple parties are involved. Insurance companies may try to shift blame to minimize their payouts. If there is a dispute over who was at fault, or if you believe you are wrongly being held responsible for the accident, a car accident lawyer can gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a strong case on your behalf.

  3. Dealing with Insurance Companies

    Dealing with insurance companies after an accident can be challenging, as they will always prioritize their profits over your best interests. Before you are faced with difficult conversations with an insurance adjuster, or they confuse you with a low settlement offer, seek legal representation! Don’t wait! An experienced car accident lawyer can handle all communications with the insurance company and negotiate for a fair settlement that truly reflects your losses.

  4. Statute of Limitations

    Every state has a statute of limitations, which sets a time limit for filing a car accident lawsuit. In Ohio, the statute of limitations is 2 years from the date of the accident, or when you turn 18 if you are a minor.  If you fail to file within the specified timeframe, you may lose your right to seek compensation. A car accident lawyer can ensure all necessary paperwork is filed promptly, protecting your legal rights and ensuring you don't miss any crucial deadlines.

  5. Complex Legal Procedures

    Navigating the legal system can be overwhelming, especially if you have little experience with personal injury law. A car accident lawyer has the knowledge and expertise to handle all legal procedures, including gathering evidence, drafting legal documents, and representing you in court if necessary. This allows you to focus on your recovery while leaving the legal complexities in capable hands. The Sandel Law Firm specializes in personal  injury law. It is 100% what we do. Managing partner, Kevin Sandel, spent numerous years working for auto insurance companies and knows all the tactics they use to settle your case with the least amount of money possible.

  6. Understanding Your Rights

    As a car accident victim, you have rights, but understanding and protecting them can be challenging without legal guidance. We can explain your rights and the options available to you. We can advise you on the best course of action to pursue maximum compensation for your injuries and damages. And we can do all this at no cost to you! There are no up-front fees, at all, to handle your case.

  7. Settlement Negotiations

    If the insurance company offers a settlement, it may not be in your best interest to accept it without legal review. Insurance companies often try to settle quickly and for a minimal amount. We can assess the true value of your claim, negotiate with the insurance company, and ensure you receive a fair settlement that covers all your losses.

  8. Handling a Wrongful Death Case

    If you've lost a loved one in a car accident, you may have grounds for a wrongful death claim. Pursuing a wrongful death case involves intricate legal procedures and emotional challenges. Sandel Law Firm is a compassionate car accident law firm that can support you during this difficult time, ensuring your rights are protected while you focus on coping with your loss.

If you're still wondering, "Do I need a car accident lawyer?" consider the factors discussed in this guide. Seeking legal representation from an experienced car accident lawyer at Sandel Law Firm can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. From navigating complex legal procedures to fighting for fair compensation, a skilled attorney can be your greatest asset during this challenging time. Remember, we are here to protect your rights and help you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

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